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Sunday 9 May 2021

As you are aware last week saw much of the country go to the polls on a day dubbed in the press as `Super Thursday`. For ourselves in Spixworth, one of the three presented ballot papers related to the referendum on the adaption of the Neighbourhood Plan . 

It brings the Parish Council and myself great pleasure to inform you that following the referendum result the Plan has been successfully adopted!

On behalf of the Parish Council I would like to thank all members of the Steering Group for their enthusiasm and efforts during the development of the Plan; showing the willingness some three and a half years ago to be involved in something new that would benefit Spixworth for many years to come.

The adaption of the plan ensures that future developments adhere to the criteria contributed towards and that the village as a whole benefits from increased CIL payments that shall go towards new & improved facilities.

The ongoing Covid pandemic saw the originally planned referendum timetable postponed by some margin; also regulations forbid the active promotion of the Plan leading up to the vote. 

I would like to thank Dan Roper for responding to a number of queries raised by residents on social media leading up to last Thursday; the replies to which offered clarity to the purpose & benefits of adopting the Plan.

Last but not least, a big thank you to both Councillors Shaun & Karen Vincent (Abzag) for the preparation of the Plan, providing invaluable assistance to the Steering Group as objectives and policies were created.

If you would like to see a copy of the adopted Neighbourhood Plan for Spixworth please contact the Parish Clerk on 01603 890290 or email 

Thank you all once again,

Paul Rowe

Chairman, Spixworth Parish Council


Contact the Parish Council

Spixworth Parish Council Office

Spixworth Village Hall

Crostwick Lane



NR10 3NQ

Parish Clerk: Carolyn Lake

01603 890290

The parish council offices are located behind the Village Hall and Social Club, beside the play area.


Office opening hours are Monday-Friday 9:30am to 11:30am

Parish Council Offices
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